Seller Articles

The Emotional Side of Selling Your Business

Regardless of the numbers, it is crucial that you are both mentally and emotionally prepared to sell your business. Typically, sellers have invested a great deal of time and effort into their business, and as a result, they may simply…

Why Is Confidentiality So Vitally Important

When it’s time to sell a business, you will want to keep confidentiality first and foremost in your mind. The reality is that many deals do not succeed when confidentiality is breached and others learn that your business is for…

Preparing for Your Eventual Retirement

Many business owners are truly committed to their businesses however everyone will need to embrace retirement whether it is for health issues, moving to a new location, or simply for greater peace of mind. If you see this path approaching…

How Sellers Can Boost Their Levels of Success

What Sellers Can Do   For privately listed companies, the sale process can be significantly more difficult due to insufficient accounting. If you’re a seller, you can take steps to make the process a bit easier for buyers.   Firstly,…

How to Get Ready to Sell Your Business

No matter where you are in the journey of running your business, we encourage you take onboard some tips to make the eventual sale process run smoothly.   Regardless of how involved you are with the business and the sales…