Monthly Cartoon

Lost Drive!

Driving a business is not a hobby and once an owner starts losing the drive and passion it’s time to move on. ‘Enjoy what you do.’

Make New Technology your Friend!

Like it or not, new technology is here and you should embrace it to sell your business for the best price. If social media, e-commerce, functional websites, cloud computing or leading CRMs are not your forte then find an outsourced…

Buyers are from Mars, Vendors are from Venus

A vendor knows their business intimately and can’t understand why purchasers don’t see it in the same light. A professionally produced, credible Information Memorandum can close the information gap and help vendors capitalise on their hard work.  

Time to revise the business plan… again!

If we’ve learned anything in the last couple of years, it is that things change. There is no point in having business plans and budgets that reflect the world we used to live in. Buyers are looking for businesses that…

The skeletons will eventually come out!

During a business sale, a buyer will undertake DD (Due Diligence) when they will check that the facts back up the information they have been provided with. Don’t think that the skeletons  won’t be discovered so to ensure a sale…

Owner Burnout is Bad for Business!

Many business owners have operated their companies for too long and have lost their drive. As a result, the business can flounder and go backwards. Not only do revenues and profits suffer, but the value of the company goes downhill.…

You can’t always get what you want!

A good advisor will help a vendor maximise what is possible – which may not always be what the vendor wants – or wants to hear. Converting a reasonable offer to the optimal settlement is a critical skill required of…

Leases can Make or Break the Sale of a Business!

For some businesses, such as retail or hospitality, where location is key, a lease with options is critical. Conversely, for a business that may be consolidated by the purchaser into their operations, a long lease may be an additional barrier.…

Don’t wait too long!

Many business owners wait too long to pass on the Baton of business ownership. If the business has started sliding or the market changes, it can make a sale much harder. Aim to go out on top.